Questions To Ask The Interviewer
I have underlined 2 questions that I find more appropriate then the others.
Why is this position open?
Where do you see the company in 5 years?
What makes you successful, and different from your competitors?
How long have you (the interviewer) been here, and what do you like most about your position, and the company?
What qualities would your ideal candidate have? (listen, and make sure you later bring out some of the qualities you have which match what you heard)
How do you feel my qualifications match your needs? (A bold question to ask and I would only ask it if you personally feel that the interview went very well and that your qualifications truly do mirror the skills needed for the position. We don't want to put anyone on the spot especially if they are merely the interviewer who is weeding out the bad from ther good.)
Asking why the position is open is a huge factor in seeing if this position truly is what is stated on the Job Description. If you find that the position is being re-filled more then twice within a 6 month span, CAUTION. It may simply be that they just did not find the right person or other outside or internal influences were causing a rift which ended up in the search for the replacement. It would be truly up to you to either take the position if offered...or decline it. Whatever the case, when in doubt...I always trust my instincts. they have never led me down the wrong path before. If you have an opportunity to walk amongst the office personnel, ask questions, observe their moods and emotions. You can tell when you walk into a room if the tension is there or not.
I like to ask the longevity of the interviewer to truly get a grasp of where he/she is in their career stage and gauge the level of content or discontent about their present job, their co-workers and their supervisors, etc. you can truly tell if someone really enjoys going to work and you can also sniff out those who are just playing the Recruiter Shuffle with you. Once again, Listen, Observe and trust your gut!
Questions You May Hear
The Interviewer is looking for a concise, descriptive and informative summary of a more current and relevant career information. They are not interested in your personal information such as how many dogs you have or what happened to you on your way to the gym last week.Why do you want to work at XYZ Company? This is where your website and company history homework pays off. Give examples of specifics that you have found on their site, OR past projects that you enjoyed that apply.
What is your proudest accomplishment?
What are your greatest strengths?
This is your turn to brag a bit, but not to the point of being arrogant. Give at least 2 examples, offer references that can attest to your work, etc. The more specifics you can offer, the better you're gonna look. Bring up sales numbers, deadlines, Cost Savings, whatever is measurable and speaks well of your efforts.
Example One: “One of my most proud moments was being selected as the Southern California Regions Recruiter of the Year by the California Staffing Professionals Association. Being selected from all the HR Professionals and Recruiters in Southern California shows my professionalism, dedication and passion for what I do for my career.”
Example Two: "One of my biggest strengths is my ability to learn new software and train my team on its specifics. By learning the new software quickly, train the staff and teach them to implement it into their daliy regime, we were able to double the companies production from the prior year as well as negate the additional costs of an outside vendor to train the entire staff."
What would you classify as an area of improvement, and how would you go about achieving those improvements?
Try to pick something that isn't a "DEAL KILLER" meaning something that IS NOT a job requirement, and that is not easily improved upon. Lots of folks choose something that is indirectly related to the role so that it doesn't affect your interview success. For example: "I realize this position requires a great deal of systems reporting experience and you work with system "x". I do have considerable experience with reporting, but up to now, there has not been a requirement for me to learn "system x". I can pick it up very quickly as I do with all systems. At this time, I would have to say an area of improvement would be the learning curve on your particular software system." Basically taken a frown and turned it upside down!
What is the Salary you are looking for?
It is always best to leave the door open and answer with something such as, “I would be happy to see your best offer. I am fairly flexible when it comes to the compensation since I am looking at everything including the company, the position, the growth potential, the benefit package, etc. Salary is just one piece of the pie and if you think I would be a good fit for the position, I am SURE we can come up with a figure that works for both of us!" This is an excellent example…HOWEVER, sometimes they will want to know what you are looking for. The trick is to leave it open ended. Try to have them disclose what the position is paying. You can also get a feel for the salary expectations for the position by looking at the actual job description. If posted via a resume generating web site like, hotjobs or other source, the salary may be posted within the advertisement. Tools like can give you an estimate of what your current salary net worth is. That way if put in a can easily negotiate for the higher wage.
Why you are leaving?
Be honest, very concise and direct, but don't slam your employer or boss. They want to hear that you are leaving on good terms (for everyone, not just you!) since it can easily be them on the other end of the equation if they hire you.
Why should we hire you for the position?
Summarize, detail, sell yourself, and ask for an offer! Give technical reasons why you are the best candidate over personality reasons.
Sales positions: In certain sales position, you may be asked to perform a sample sales pitch for the product, and once again, this is where your preparation and website/company/product research will shine. I often use a technique that simply comes from right out of the blue. A good sales person can follow the pitch, but some can also strike out. So beware of those tricky interviewers like myself. We LOVE to throw a FAST BALL at cha!
The Face-to-Face Interview
Know Your Directions – Time is Money. Make sure the directions you received are accurate. Nothing says, "I'm not prepared and really don’t want this job" like getting lost on the way to an interview. Arriving 20 minutes early is a way to ensure you will not be late. Just wait outside the office until 3 - 5 minutes before the interview, then make your grand entrance…exactly on time. Make a dry run from where you will be leaving from to the interviewers desired location and always make sure that the mode of transportation is reliable.
Practice – Practice your interview skills - that means answering the interview questions out loud to yourself as if you were in the interview. Running through your answers a few times builds confidence and assures yourself you will come across as articulate, efficient and prepared. Grab a friend or anyone that is skilled in the hiring process to assist you.
5 Resume Copies - Take at least 5 copies of your resume - you'll be prepared if they do not have copies. Remember that pretty parchment is nice, but do not use colored or scented types of paper for your resume. Traditional white medium Sstock will suffice.
Take Notes - Bring a note pad or PDA to take notes and write down your top 3 questions. In this case I prefer the notepad as it is less likely to mess up or cause a disruption (ie., alarms or email notifications).
Dress Code - Know the office dress code – look sharp and professional. Being overdressed is always better than being underdressed. Unless they state that you should come in wearing business casual, both men and women should always opt for the traditional business suit as their interview attire. Remember that first impressions are a lasting impression. Jeans and a t-shirt will never do.
Confidence – Confidence is a trait that many people feel they possess. I personally feel cheated when I meet a person for the first time and have spoken to that person as well, only to be met with a “weak” handshake. The Firm handshake upon arrival and positive attitude throughout is always best. This is a simple confidant handshake, not a battle of who has the biggest biceps.
Be enthusiastic and friendly – Listen more than you talk (no single factor is more important in determining success in an interview). If you can not listen to what the interviewer is saying…how the heck are you supposed to answer the question(s) correctly?
Eye Contact - Look people in the eye when talking or listening to them. It’s just the right thing to do.
Just Listen - No single thing you can do will effect the interview more than just being a good listener. Listen to questions asked of you. Answer them fully and directly. Remember the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears? Try not to talk too much. Try not to talk too fast, and certainly try not to talk too slowly. Never over sell your skill set. Overselling can lead to overconfidence and put an idea into the mind of the interviewer that you were “trying to hard”.
Salary - If present salary is asked, furnish accurate information – including bonuses and commissions. They may ask for a W2 later, so you don’t want to “enhance” any numbers! If they ask you what salary you want, the only acceptable answer at this point is "I am open to any fair and reasonable offer".
Nothing Negative – DO NOT criticize or come across as negative about your present or past employers or co-workers. Stay professional and avoid personal information unless it's "polite" conversation. If polite conversation does come up, make sure it’s brief, polite and pleasant.
Ask for the job! - Let the interviewer know that you are interested and excited at the prospect of working for them and ask what the next step will be.
Send a thank you letter - Ask for their Card so you can follow up with a thank you letter via email. The thank you email can often be the deal maker or breaker on getting the position.
The Telephone Interview
Why are you Interviewing? - Know the reason why you would like to work at the company and please do not say for the MONEY! State a specific reason or give an example of that encourages you to seek employment with this company. Every one loves to be flattered…just make sure that you don’t over do it.
Laundry List – Make sure that you have a list of accomplishments and pertinent skills in front of you and know why are you a fit for this particular position. A helpful hint in creating this list is to have the actual job description. By knowing the job requirements and referencing the skills you possess, helps make you a great fit (Skill wise) for the position. If you can not articulate this, it is possible that you may not get to the face to face interview.
Shhh! Privacy Please - Schedule the interview at a time and number where you can be alone and talk freely. Land lines are of course better then the mobile phones whenever possible. Many people now have the ability to communicate C2C or Computer to Computer. For example, Yahoo Chat, Google Talk or Skype offer these type of services. However, I would highly suggest using a land line or mobile phone since the C2C software may have delays making it a bit tedious to listen to questions and answer them in a timely manner.
Resume at the Ready - Be sure to have your resume in front of you so you can follow along with your background as they ask you questions.
Be Honest - Answer questions as directly as possible. If you do not know, say so. Never Lie. Be candid, friendly, cheerful and courteous; confident but never cocky. If you sense that the other person wants to do lots of talking – please let them. People like others who are interested in hearing them talk! This also allows you some time to listen to the interviewer and really find out their particular interview tactics. This is an advanced skill that most job seekers may not learn immediately.
What's the Next Step? - At the end of the interview, try to get a face to face interview. Here is where you can “Ask for the interview” by simply asking what is the next step before hanging up the call.
Address Weaknesses - If you can, find out from the interviewer what they feel your strong points and weaknesses may be. This way, in the face to face interview you can reemphasize the strong points and address any perceived weaknesses. This is something of a delicate nature and I suggest prepping your phone interview with a mock interview with a skilled HR Representative or any Hiring Manager.
Traditional Couture vs Biz Casual
How Do I Dress for an Interview in a Business-Casual World?
Just a few years ago, everyone knew the answer to this question. The standard interview uniform was suit and tie for men, and a suit with a skirt for women. Anyone arriving at work in a new suit was presumed to be interviewing elsewhere that day. But now that workplace dress codes have relaxed, both men and women have more choices when it comes to interview attire.
Does That Mean the Uniform Is Out?
Not necessarily. It's still important to make a good impression. You just face more decisions about how to do that.
How Will I Decide What to Wear to the Interview?
Remember, each company has an individual culture and environment. Although most of my clients are in a Business Casual to Casual environment such as my traditional Mortgage Brokers and even my direct Lenders it's important to find out what the standard is for the company before the interview. When you schedule the interview, ask just what would be appropriate. Or call the human resources department and ask what the company's dress code is. Sometimes an interviewer will tell you what to wear: "We don't dress up here, so a suit is not necessary." Some people actually go to the place where they will be interviewing and stand outside at lunchtime or after work to check out employees' clothes.
If you are interviewing at an actual bank institution or Internet company, it's always best to keep your outfit on the conservative side.
If Not a Suit, Then What Should I Wear?
Now I am not your mother or your hired stylist, but a good rule of thumb that I suggest is to wear something somewhat dressier than what the employees wear to work. Never wear jeans and a T-shirt, especially slogan T-shirts. If you do that…its basically interview suicide.
I don't care if it's FRIDAY CASUAL DAY. While under my payroll and watchful eye, it's Business Casual always unless specifically told by myself or your immediate on-site supervisor. A jacket is always a safe bet for men and women, with slacks or a skirt. Somehow a jacket seems to pull the outfit together and can cover a multitude of figure problems as well. But the suit is still a staple in some professions. Salespeople like Loan Officers and Account Executives for example, polo shirts and some khaki's. That's fine ONCE YOU ARE HIRED. I suggest and prefer the suited look, as with other professionals such as lawyers and traditional bankers. Whatever you decide to wear, make sure it fits properly and is of the best quality you can afford. What seems like a big investment now will pale in comparison when you get the job.
What Do You Think About Women Wearing Pants or a Pantsuit to the Interview?
I say if you can pull it off…GO FOR IT. However, this question is still somewhat controversial. Some hiring managers say women should always wear a skirt. But a recent issue of Biography magazine offers proof the rules are changing. A feature about first ladies shows several presidents' wives, dating back to the 1900s. All the women pictured are wearing skirts and dresses, until Hillary Clinton. Clinton is wearing her now-trademark pantsuit.
What you wear on the outside is the interviewer's picture of you on the inside. Remember that the Reflection you make has a direct Reflection on Yourself, BancForce and most important…ME!
You’ve Got The Look…
What type of look that is depends on YOU! The only thing I have to say is as a financial professional…you should know what the dress standard is for any interview. So when I send you to my most trusted client…the question is not "What to wear" but "What NOT to wear". Let's face reality, in every job interview, you're going to be judged -- at least partially -- by how you look. This varies depending on the industry and the job you're interviewing for. Here's some general attire expectations for eight career areas:
FINANCE (Banks/Credit Unions):
"Nothing is more precise and exact than managing money," says Pamela Holland, chief operating officer for Brody Communications in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania, and coauthor of Help! Was That a Career Limiting Move? "You cannot afford to have a hair out of place. Full business professional attire is required and expected."
"For women, the finance uniform includes a pantsuit or skirt suit in black or navy and a pastel or white dress shirt," says Dona DeZube, Monster Finance Careers Expert. "For men, the choices are a navy blue suit or a navy blue suit."
"If you're applying for a technical position, you won't need a suit," says Carole Martin, a former Monster contributor and author of Boost Your Interview IQ. "A collared shirt and khakis or slacks would work. Same goes for women -- sweater or blouse and slacks or a skirt."
But upgrade your attire if you're interviewing for a higher-level job. "You dress in the best clothes you have," says David Perry, managing director for Ottawa, Canada-based high tech recruiting firm Perry-Martel International and author of Career Guide for the High-Tech Professional. "No exceptions."
A conservatively colored suit is best for the government job interview, says Holland. "Don't be flashy," she says. "This is a time to show you're responsible, trustworthy and honest."
But a bit of color is OK, whether you're a man or a woman, says Kathryn Troutman, Monster Federal Career Coach and author of Ten Steps to a Federal Job.
"Be conservative with jewelry, makeup and hairstyles," says Troutman. "Be conservative overall." But "the days of all white shirts for men in government need to end," she adds.
Human Resources
A suit is the best choice for an HR interview too, but for a slightly different reason, according to Martin.
"You must look professional and authoritative," she says. "You'll need the look that you could handle any crisis and be dependable."
Typically, a suit is the uniform for a sales interview. After all, stresses Martin, "who would want to buy from a guy in a T-shirt and jeans?"
But you might be able to go with bolder designs and colors, says Holland. "The product or service you're representing will determine how classic versus trendy/fashionable you should be," she explains.
"Here's an exception where a potential employer will understand if you have a little dirt or grease under your nails," says Holland. "You still want to look as neat as possible, but a suit is probably not necessary."
That is, unless you're interviewing at a high-end dealership, says Heidi Nelson, a personnel counselor for Car People Oregon, a Portland, Oregon, automotive staffing service for new-car dealerships. In that case, Nelson says, "I would dress up a bit more."
Image is particularly critical in the hospitality industry, says Martin. A suit is appropriate for some positions but not always a must. However, you always need to make a great initial impression.
"You're representing the company, and you may be the first person seen," she says.
John Coffey worked as a factory production manager for years before becoming a career coach. His take on appropriate attire for an interview in the trades: Business casual.
"For men, this might be a nice pair of Dockers and a buttoned shirt, along with well-kept and polished shoes," says Coffey, career success officer for Winning Careers in Woodbury, Minnesota. "The same goes for women -- nice slacks and a professional business top. I think a suit or sports jacket for this type of work is overkill."
Of course, one industry's excess is another industry's underdressed. Investing some time and money in creating a suitable interview wardrobe, will invite others to easily invest right back into you."